2025 Spring Weight Restriction #1

Effective 6:00 p.m. on Monday, March 3, 2025 weight restrictions will be imposed and enforced on all state trunk line highways from the Indiana/Ohio Border north to and including US-10 in Ludington in Mason County from the M-116 intersection then east to US-127 in Clare County then north on US-127 to M-61 then east on M-61 ending at the intersection of US-23 in the City of Standish, Arenac County.

State trunkline highways typically carry M, I, or US designations. Weight restriction information and updates may be obtained by calling 1-800-787-8960. For companies located in Canada or New Jersey, information may be obtained by calling 517-335-0023.

– On routes designated as “All Season Routes” (green or gold on the MDOT Truck Operators Map) there will be no reduction in legal axle weight.

– On routes designated as “Seasonal” (solid or dashed red on the MDOT Truck Operators Map) there will be a weight reduction of 25% for rigid pavements and 35% for flexible pavements.

Extended permits will be valid for oversize only in the weight restricted area.

Single trip permits will not be issued for overweight loads or loads exceeding 14 feet in width, 11 axles and 150 feet in overall length in the weight restricted area.

Detailed Weight Restriction information may be obtained by linking to www.michigan.gov/truckers.

(Once updated a map can be found at the above link by clicking on the “Restrictions and Conditions” tab and clicking on the “Spring Weight Restrictions Map” link)  

Please refer to the MDOT Truck Operator’s Map for route designations.

Spring Weight Restrictions Bulletin:


To check the status of any current restrictions on county jurisdiction roadways click here.

If you have any questions, please contact any member of the MITA engineering team: 

Rachelle VanDeventer | rachellevandeventer@thinkmita.org 

Jeremiah Leyba | jeremiahleyba@thinkmita.org  

They can also be reached by phone at the MITA office: 517-347-8336.