Participate in the MITA Statewide Image Branding Process Today!

As part of an ongoing effort to promote positive public awareness of MITA member industries, MITA is undergoing a statewide image branding campaign to coincide with the work being done to raise awareness of the needs of our underground infrastructure.

A key component to making this image branding process successful is the participation of our members. Member insights, experiences and perspectives are important and will ensure that all angles are being covered to obtain the most well-rounded information.

With all that in mind, we invite you to click on the link provided below to answer a few multiple-choice questions regarding Michigan’s infrastructure and the public’s impression of the industry. Your answers will be analyzed by our public relations team to help make key decisions regarding the direction and focus of the campaign.

Click here to access the MITA Statewide Image Branding Process link.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Nystrom, Executive Vice President, at or Mariam Robinson, Outreach Coordinator, at They can also be reached at 517-347-8336.