Reminder – SSPC Certification Required

October 6, 2006 Letting

Beginning with the October 6, 2006 letting, any contractor performing bridge painting work on MDOT projects with bridge paint warranties must provide to the Department proof of current SSPC certifications for “QP 1, Field Application to Complex Industrial and Marine Structures” and “QP 2, Field Removal of Hazardous Coatings.”

October 5, 2007 Letting
Beginning with the October 5, 2007 letting, any contractor performing bridge painting work on any MDOT projects must provide to the Department proof of current SSPC certifications for QP 1 and QP 2.

This documentation must be received to both maintain and receive prequalification to perform bridge painting work (prequalification classification N4), and must be received before eligibility to bid will be issued for any bridge painting projects after the required dates, stated above. The requirement applies to all contractors performing bridge painting work, both as a prime contractor as well as a subcontractor.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact Glenn Bukoski at or Doug Needham at or by phone at (517) 347-8336.