MITA Success – Utility Initial Submittal Requirements Checklist

As you may recall, in December 2011, MITA hosted a Utility As-Built Plan Workshop that focused on fostering communication between various utility companies, design firms, and construction contractors to discuss the type of information that is documented on utility as-built documents.

As a result of this workshop, along with MITA’s continued work within the Michigan Utility Coordination Committee (which includes designers, owner agencies, contractors, and utility companies), MITA is pleased to announce another success in the continued advancement of utility coordination.

On September 13, 2012, the Michigan Utility Coordination Committee approved the “Utility Initial Submittal Requirements” document that provides the designer with pertinent utility information that should minimize potential conflicts and/or known service problems prior to construction.


Click here to view the Utility Initial Submittal Requirements Checklist.

This checklist has been distributed to various municipalities, counties, design firms and MDOT offices.


If you have any questions contact Glenn Bukoski at or Doug Needham at or call them at the MITA office at 517-347-8336.