Against MITA’s urgings, the MISS Dig System implemented changes to the size of a polygon (scope) allowed per ticket. This simple act has only increased the number of tickets in a currently overburdened system and served to amplify further the shortcomings of the locating community. MITA is hoping to right this wrong, but we need our members to help. MISS Dig has set up a “feedback form,” and if enough of us fill out the form, we might just convince the system to go back to its original polygon requirements. You are encouraged to submit comments on every ticket you’ve had an experience with. This effort will be exhausting for someone in your organization, but it may just be the catalyst for change. If you feel this change has been positive, you may also provide a comment on the form.

The link for the Feedback form is here.

If you have any questions regarding this communication, please direct them to Rob Coppersmith, MITA’s EVP, or Greg Brooks, MITA’s Director of Safety and Compliance