BEWARE – Fraudulent SIGMA Account

As you know the State of Michigan conducts its financial and business processes via the automated system SIGMA (Statewide Integrated Governmental Management Applications) where vendors, such as contractors, establish their company accounts for doing business with the State.

MITA recently learned of the situation where someone registered a fraudulent company profile in SIGMA that very closely matched a valid construction company profile already registered in SIGMA.  It appears that calls from the fraudulent company were made to MDOT trying to gain the tax and bank account information of the valid SIGMA vendor company.  Fortunately, MDOT does not share that type of confidential company information so the fraudulent activity was unsuccessful in this case.

MDOT did contact the appropriate SIGMA representative to report the suspicious activity.  SIGMA in response reached out to the valid SIGMA vendor to verify and validate their account.

The morale of this story is to be ever vigilant and cautious when it comes to sharing your confidential personal or company information over the telephone or in response to an email request.

If you get a suspicious sounding telephone call or email inquiry about the confidential information in your SIGMA account, you can always call the State of Michigan SIGMA Support Center at 1-888-734-9749, to authenticate the inquiry.

If you have any questions, please contact Glenn Bukoski at, or Rachelle VanDeventer at, or call them at the MITA office at 517-347-8336.