
As lawmakers return to Lansing from their summer break, road funding will be one of the most talked about issues facing them. It is critically important that all members, employees, friends, family members and neighbors take the time to contact their legislators immediately about fixing and investing in Michigan’s roads

It has recently been brought to MITAs attention that not all contractor inquiries are being submitted through the e-Proposal website. As you are aware, MDOT has been requiring the use of e-Proposal for contractor inquiries for several years. This automated system eliminates potential inquiry errors (i.e. incorrect contract ID or

TO: Teamsters Union Contractors FROM: Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President/Secretary DATE: July 2, 2013 RE: Road Table Agreement Reached between MITA and the Michigan Teamsters Joint Council 43 After several failed ratification attempts by the Teamsters, MITA has finally reached a new table agreement with the Michigan Teamsters Joint

Michigan legislators have wrapped up the first part of their 2013 legislative calendar and have headed back to their respective districts for the summer. This is an excellent time to invite your state senator and your state representative to visit your facility or jobsite, because they are home and more available

Michigan legislators have wrapped up the first part of their 2013 legislative calendar and have headed back to their respective districts for the summer. This is an excellent time to invite your state senator and your state representative to visit your facility or jobsite, because they are home and more available

Road agreement laborers The MITA Power of Attorney Contractor members as well as the Delegates from the Michigan Laborers’ District Council have ratified the Extended Agreements for Utility Distribution, Road and Underground. Listed below are the new expiration dates for each contract: AGREEMENT NEW EXPIRATION DATE 2011-2016 UTILITY DISTRIBUTION

TO: MITA Union Contractors FROM: Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President/Secretary DATE: May 29, 2013 RE: Ratification of the Road Agreements The MITA Power of Attorney Contractor members as well as the Delegates from the following unions have ratified the following Agreements: AGREEMENT NEW EXPIRATION DATE Cement Masons June