

Governor Rick Snyder Delivers Special Message on Infrastructure

Governor Rick Snyder Delivers Special Message on Infrastructure On October 26, Governor Rick Snyder delivered his important message regarding infrastructure funding at Lawrence Technological University in Southfield.  His message holds great promise for the heavy construction industry, and the state of Michigan as a whole. MITA staff is extremely pleased

“ATTENTION” MDOT Contractors ….

MITA staff has just learned that MDOT’s 2012 Pay Item Code Book (associated with the new 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction) contains a significant number of pay item code changes.  These pay item code changes are the result of several new pay items and the re-ordering of pay items incorporated

MITA Legislative Update

GOVERNOR SNYDER’S SPECIAL MESSAGE ON INFRASTRUCTURE Governor Snyder is expected to deliver his infrastructure message next Wednesday, October 26.  The message is expected to put Michigan’s Legislature and the public on notice of Michigan’s failing roads and bridges, and encourage the state to make much needed investments into the future

Summary of Changes – MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications

As MITA members began receiving their copies of the new MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction this week, several inquired about the availability of a summary document that highlights the changes incorporated from the 2003 edition of the standard specifications to the new 2012 edition.   Click here to view and print

Countdown Begins to Snyder Infrastructure Message

Gov. Snyder is finalizing his proposals to repair Michigan’s ailing infrastructure and is expected to deliver a special message to the Legislature in the next two weeks outlining his plan. MITA is hopeful that Snyder will offer a comprehensive solution to the state’s crumbling roads and bridges as well a

MITA Announces New Vice President of Government Affairs

Lance Binoniemi has been named vice president of government affairs for the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association (MITA), filling the position vacated by Mike Nystrom when he became the executive vice president in February 2010. Binoniemi, the former executive director for the Michigan Licensed Beverage Association (MLBA), will provide oversight

Why the New International Trade Crossing is Good for the Heavy Construction Industry

Governor Snyder’s Administration challenged the heavy construction industry at the MITA Annual Conference to join as partners in lobbying state legislators in support of a new international bridge to Canada.  MITA has taken that challenge seriously and is asking members to contact their legislators.  But, why is a New International

MDOT Releases 2012 Program Information

MDOT recently released the following lists related to the anticipated 2012 Highway Program. Click on the highlighted link to view the documents or you can find these files on the MDOT Bid Letting website.   2012 FY Projected Lettings  2012 HMA, Concrete & Bridge Summary 2012 FY Significant Projects The funding

Governor Snyder’s Call to Action for MITA Members

The MITA Executive Committee recently met with Governor Snyder to discuss his upcoming special message on infrastructure. In the past his messages have been bold and called for specific action by the legislature. MITA expects that this special message will continue in the same fashion. The Governor specifically called on

Congress, Legislature Kick Off Fall Session: Reauthorization, Jobs Plan and E-Verify Among Bills Under Consideration

Congress, Legislature Kick Off Fall Session: Reauthorization, Jobs Plan and E-Verify Among Bills Under Consideration Summer has ended and the Michigan Legislature and Congress is back in session.  There are a number of issues facing the state legislature this fall.   The governor is making final preparations for a proposal to

What the Industry Can Expect in the Months Ahead

On September 14, 2011, Governor Snyder issued the following email detailing what the citizens of Michigan can expect in the months ahead.  Since it hits on the very heart of the issues the industry is battling with daily, it is being passed along to the membership to review the governor’s

Governor Snyder’s Fall Agenda

Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer and with that comes the end of summer fun and the beginning of fall work. Agenda items slated to be addressed this fall by Governor Snyder are: state residents’ health; training for available jobs; and, fixing the crumbling roads and aging sewer