
Assuring that materials provided for construction projects meet all applicable specifications should be common practice for all MITA members, however providing a documented Quality Control plan may not. With the rollout of the 2012 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction, there are a few changes/clarifications to the roles and responsibilities of

This fall presents a huge opportunity for the heavy construction industry. In October, Governor Snyder is scheduled to deliver an infrastructure message that will include plans for increased infrastructure investment. MITA is launching a major public relations effort in support of the governor’s October infrastructure message: “Let’s Make Michigan Great

At their most recent meeting the State Administrative Board (Ad Board) approved two resolutions that significantly change (in very positive ways) the processes required of all state departments to get Ad Board approval for contracts and contract revisions on state construction and services contracts. Resolution 2011-1 raised the Ad Board

Memorandum TO: MITA Union Contractors FROM: Michael A. Nystrom RE: September 1, 2011 Underground Wage Rate Updates Please be advised that in accordance with the current underground agreements between the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association and the unions listed below, the following wage rates will become effective the first full

MITA has been encouraging its members to meet regularly with elected officials to talk to them about infrastructure funding. This is a critical part of building legislative support for greater investment levels. Contractors often ask, “what should I talk about when I actually sit down with my elected leaders?” The

The IRS recently announced a three-month extension of the deadline for truckers and other owners of heavy highway vehicles to file their next federal Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (Form 2290) return. In general, the heavy vehicle use tax applies to trucks, truck tractors and buses with a gross taxable

As we have advised you in the past to beware, recently several MITA members have received what appears to be official letters from the USDOT requesting specific bank account information. Although the fax letters are very official looking on USDOT Procurement Office letterhead, we have confirmed with the USDOT’s Office

This fall presents a huge opportunity for the heavy construction industry. In October, Governor Snyder is scheduled to deliver an infrastructure message that will likely include plans for increased infrastructure investment. In our form of state government, the governor’s job is to propose ideas and to lead. The legislature, however,

On Thursday, July 28, 2011, MDOT will be in Traverse City looking for women and minority-owned business that specialize in road construction, real estate appraisal, surveying, bridge work, pavement marking, landscaping, asphalt and concrete paving and repair, overhead and permanent traffic signs, micro surfacing, highway project cleanup, road design and

Washington Update: Highway Reauthorization Bill Unveiled The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure rolled out details this week of a bill they hope to introduce in the coming days. The nearly two-hour presentation, led by Chairman Mica (R-FL) included a packed committee room, more than 1,000 individuals participating via conference