

Audit Requirements – MDOT Revised Prequalification Rules

In a December 16, 2009, MITA bulletin (Engineering), several revisions to the MDOT Administrative Rules Governing the Prequalification of Construction Contractors that became effective on December 4, 2009, were described. One of those rule revisions allows contractors with an overall financial rating of $10 million or greater to choose to file an

MITA’s MBE/WBE/DBE Solicitations Website

As the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) moves forward to deliver their 2011 road and bridge program, is your company ready to ensure you make your best efforts to meet the DBE participation goals on those projects you win as the prime contractor? Need some help with those efforts? The

Legislative Update for January 2010

Cherry Bows Out of Gubernatorial Race In Michigan news this week, Lt. Governor John Cherry announced that he is ending his bid for Michigan governor. In a letter to supporters, Cherry cited a lack of fundraising success, which led him to conclude he could not raise the necessary funds to

MITA’s MBE/WBE/DBE Solicitations Website

As the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) moves forward to deliver their 2010 road and bridge program, is your company ready to ensure you make your best efforts to meet the DBE participation goals on those projects you win as the prime contractor? Need some help with those efforts? The

U.S. House Approves Boost in MI Road Money, Waives Federal Match Requirement

In a late night session at the nation’s capital, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a $154 billion jobs bill last night that would provide an estimated additional $850 million for transportation projects in Michigan in 2010. The “Jobs for Main Street Act” invests more than $27 billion in highways

Revised Rules for MDOT Prequalification Become Effective

On Friday, December 4, 2009, revised MDOT Administrative Rules Governing the Prequalification of Construction Contractors became effective.  These rules define the administrative procedures MDOT uses to “qualify” contractors wanting to bid on projects let by the department. MDOT initiated the rule changing process in 2008 to incorporate language that would allow them

Diesel Tax Increase Clears Key Hurdle

MITA Urges Members to Call Your State Senator This week the Senate Transportation Committee approved a bill by a vote of 4-1 that would increase the diesel tax four cents per gallon (from 15 cents to 19 cents) to provide additional dollars to transportation.  The new diesel tax rate would

MDOT to Implement New DBE Liquid AC Dealer Monitoring Procedures

Effective with the projects let in the December 4, 2009, bid letting, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will implement new monitoring procedures for the DBE supply and delivery of liquid asphalt.  These new monitoring procedures were developed and are being implemented in response to Federal Highway Administration concerns regarding

MITA Opportunities Await You….

Take more control of your future by getting involved with your association.  MITA provides many opportunities for members to get involved through an assortment of events and meetings. One great opportunity for getting involved is the MITA/MDOT Quarterly meeting.  The focus of these meetings is for MITA and MDOT to

MITA Companies Cause Surge in Legislative Calls

More than a dozen companies have answered the challenge to have their employees help lobby for more transportation funding, tallying over 300 calls to legislative offices in recent weeks. About a dozen more companies have agreed to do an upcoming call day and are in the pipeline. In many cases,

CALL YOUR STATE SENATOR: Senate poised to jeopardize road funding with parks fee

The Senate is poised to vote tomorrow morning on legislation (SB 388 and 389) that would allow an optional tax on the vehicle registration fee to pay for state parks. While we are not opposed to state parks, for almost five years legislators have told us that “now is not

FieldManager Contractor Update

A “FieldManager Contractor” User group meeting was recently held (10/22/09) at the MITA building.  During the meeting, InfoTech highlighted some new software enhancements and listened to suggestions from the participating MITA contractors for future releases. As you may recall from previous discussions and bulletins, MITA members are driving this program