
As an advocate for safer work zones, MITA helped craft and introduce legislation cutting down on the number of construction zone signs and also giving flaggers legal authority to override a traffic control device. The bills were passed out of Senate Committee this week, thanks to testimony delivered by Mike

MITA was involved in a dispute with the Detroit Area Carpenters relative to the assignment of work on mechanically stabilized earth wall construction (MSE wall). It was the position of the Carpenters that such work fall within their jurisdiction and should therefore be assigned to Carpenters, rather than Laborers. The

MITA recently met with the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth (DLEG) to discuss ongoing state prevailing wage truck driver enforcement concerns. During the meeting, DLEG indicated that it was now their position that “owner-operators” would be covered under the Michigan Prevailing Wage Act when they are working on

It’s official. Gov. Granholm signed the MITA Materials Deduction Fix legislation into law. The bill was approved unanimously by both houses of the Legislature and is now Public Act 177 of 2008. MITA began working on the legislation (SB 1217) after it became evident that bureaucrats within the Department of

Over the course of the last several months, MITA has received a number of calls and inquiries concerning the industry’s position on price adjustment (escalator) provisions, particularly as it related to fuel. In response to those inquiries MITA held an open meeting in it’s Okemos office to hear and learn

After months of wrangling and debate, lawmakers have come to an agreement on water withdrawal legislation, quickly passing new water protection legislation and sending it to the governor. MITA has been tracking the legislation closely for the past year, ensuring there would not be any new regulations to hamper the

As you should be aware, effective with all projects starting with those let in the May 2, 2008, letting MDOT has implemented revised prevailing wage oversight procedures that define new roles and responsibilities for the engineer (owner representative) and the prime contractor. These roles and responsibilities are defined in the