Upcoming Changes to the MDOT Digital Signature Program

MDOT has announced they will be implementing a new Digital Signature Program the first calendar quarter of 2023 (January-March). Please click here for more information regarding the changes. If you have any questions, please contact Rachelle VanDeventer at...

“Cement Supply Disruptions” Are a Real Thing

Over the course of the last few months MITA has been hearing from many members around the state that they are encountering situations where they are unable to get or produce concrete when needed to make planned concrete pours on projects. Based on letters the redi-mix...

MDOT & MITA to Host APCM Forum – September 26th

MDOT and MITA will be hosting a AASHTOWare Project Construction and Materials Forum to discuss APCM pilot project experiences, any contractor concerns with full APCM implementation, and/or any ideas for improvements. MDOT plans to fully implement APCM (MDOT’s...

MDOT e-Ticketing – Pilots Needed

MDOT has planned to pilot e-Ticketing during the 2022 construction season, with the hopes of adding the Special Provision (found here) to projects upon request. MDOT has notified MITA that they are still in need of pilot projects to help them better assess the future...

MDOT Contractor Announcement – Revised FHWA 1273

MDOT recently posted a Contractor Announcement notifying bidders that form FHWA-1273, “Required Contract Provisions Federal-Aid Construction Contracts” has been updated and published in the Federal Register. The revised FHWA-1273 will be added to all Federal-aid...