MDOT Rest Area ADA Design-Build Project

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) intends on using a Design-Build procurement method to correct Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) deficiencies at up to 78 of MDOT’s Rest Areas and Welcome Centers across the state. MDOT plans to issue a Request for...

MDOT FY 2019 Transportation Program Announced

The State Transportation Commission’s approval of the MDOT 2019-2023 Five-Year Transportation Program at their October meeting served as MDOT’s formal announcement that they will invest $2.1 billion in their FY 2019 Transportation Program. The focus of the FY 2019...

Five to join Michigan Transportation Hall of Honor

A trailblazer in transportation management, an advocate for freight railroads, a former deputy director who championed multi-modal transportation, a mass transit leader, and an innovator in aeronautics are among those who will be inducted Thursday into the Michigan...