MDOT Moves the August Letting to August 9th

To better smooth the MDOT bid lettings in the height of the coming construction season, MDOT has moved the August letting to the second Friday in August, August 9th.  This move of the August letting smooths the time between the July, August and September lettings such...

Willard Thompson Named MDOT Southwest Region Engineer

Mr. Willard Thompson, PE has recently been appointed as the next Southwest Region Engineer for the Michigan Department of Transportation.  Will most recently served as the Lansing Transportation Service Center (TSC) Manager for the past 3 ½ years and held previous...

MDOT Rest Area ADA Design-Build Project

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) intends on using a Design-Build procurement method to correct Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) deficiencies at up to 78 of MDOT’s Rest Areas and Welcome Centers across the state. MDOT plans to issue a Request for...