Oct 4, 2017 | Engineering
Effective with the October 2017 publications the State Prevailing Wage Rate Schedules for Parking Lot, Road, Highway, Bridge and Airport Construction will have a new look. Wage and Hour Division (WHD) of Michigan’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs has...
Sep 9, 2017 | Engineering
MDOT has announced that Beginning with projects being advertised for the October 6, 2017, bid letting, MDOT is changing the way project quantities per plan sheet are reported. The Quantity Sheet Report that has been included in the proposal will be eliminated. In its...
Aug 30, 2017 | Engineering
From Mark Van Port Fleet, MDOT chief operations officer: I am pleased to announce that Matt Chynoweth has accepted a new position as the director of the Bureau of Bridges and Structures. He is a graduate of Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science in civil...
Aug 25, 2017 | Engineering
MDOT has announced that they are updating their e-Proposal website with a more modern look. The information provided will be the same, but accessing and navigating the website will be different. These changes will take place on September 7, 2017. All e-Proposal users...
Aug 25, 2017 | Engineering
MDOT has announced that they are updating their Progress Schedule (Form 1130) requirements. Effective with the November 3, 2017 letting, all Progress Schedule submittals must occur after project award. This change was requested by the Federal Highway Administration...
Jul 18, 2017 | Engineering
Last November MDOT changed the prequalification application submittal process from a “hard copy” submittal to an electronic submittal where the application and all required documentation must be submitted via e-mail. To view the **Contractor Announcement** about this...