Construction Manual Updates – MDOT, December 2015

The following updates were made to the Construction Manual located at: Division 1, Section 107, Heading Prevailing Wage Oversight Procedures, Title Jobsite Posting – Jobsite poster examples have been...

SOA Update

  The MDOT Division of Operations recently issued the following SOA:   SOA 2015-001 – Andy’s Law Signing Policy Update   This SOA, as well as any previously issued SOA can be viewed and printed by clicking here.   If you have any questions or...

MDOT Announces FY 2016 Transportation Program

At the September State Transportation Commission meeting, MDOT leadership announced they would invest $1.8 billion in their FY 2016 Transportation Program.  The focus of the FY 2016 multimodal capital investments will be infrastructure preservation and safety, with...

MDOT Implements “DBE Goal at Time of Bid” Process

Beginning with the October 2, 2015 bid letting (and all subsequent bid lettings), MDOT will implement a “Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal at Time of Bid” process on all FHWA federal-aid projects that have a DBE participation goal.  FAA federal-aid projects...

MDOT Contract Documents Transmittal Change

Beginning with the October 2, 2015 bid letting MDOT will discontinue its’ use of Bid Express to transmit the contract documents to determined/confirmed low bidders. In lieu of Bid Express, MDOT will use ProjectWise for the transmittal of the contract documents to the...