Apr 13, 2020 | Membership
Nashville Construction Company has reported that a 2012 Cat 259B3 Track Skid Steer was stolen over the weekend off their job site located at French Road Bridge at I-94 in the City of Detroit. A police report has been filed with the City of Detroit, Precinct #8 and the...
Apr 10, 2020 | Membership
Over the past several weeks, MITA members have gone above and beyond in many ways during the COVID-19 crisis. Examples that we have heard about include helping hospitals by donating N95 masks, sewing handmade masks and distributing them to hospitals; donating and...
Apr 2, 2020 | Membership, Uncategorized
MITA has received an immense number of calls from member field employees. Most of them center on safety issues related to COVID-19. Many employees have indicated that their employers are asking employees to provide their own PPE. To clarify, it should be understood...