Miss Dig Update

MITA has been involved in a weekly stakeholder meeting regarding the Miss Dig process as it relates to locates. This truly is the calm before the storm and it is anticipated that locate requests could approach the 200k mark for the month of May alone. This is far...

Updated List of EPA Approved Cleaning Agents

The EPA has expanded its list of approved cleaning agents to combat COVID-19. The main (active) ingredient(s) are listed below. There are 4 main categories of agents: Hydrogen Peroxide Bleach (Hypochlorite) Ammonia (Quaternary) Alcohol (Ethanol or Isopropyl) It is...

COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan for Businesses and Offices

Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-42, extending her “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Order through April 30, 2020. One of the new requirements outlined in the Order asks ALL Michigan businesses that continue in-person work to develop a COVID-19 Preparedness...

MITA Releases Industry Health & Safety Video

Over the weekend, the MITA team worked with Martin Waymire, our public relations firm, to craft a short, yet informative video about many of the new and updated safety protocols that are required during these unprecedented times. The video highlights several concepts...