Community Advocacy

One of the most important ways we can accomplish our goal for adequate infrastructure investment is by engaging the public and getting the message out that we are in a crisis regarding our roads and bridges in Michigan. As Governor Snyder said, “[We are] living on borrowed time”.  We NEED YOU to help strengthen our advocacy in your own communities and help get the public on board to convince their elected officials that investment needs to be increased now.  MITA staff is organizing members throughout the state to meet with civic organizations within their community; the local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Aquinas, and other business and community groups for the purpose of starting a dialogue on this important initiative.

Nicole Cook, MITA Outreach Coordinator, will contact members as these meetings are scheduled throughout the state.  If you belong to one of these organizations and see a meeting scheduled in your area, please contact Nicole at or by phone at (517) 347-8336. Our office will work with our members to help prepare talking points for discussion at these meetings and can add additional assistance if needed.