Employer Portal Login Assistance for Michigan Laborers’ Contractors

If you are experiencing difficulty accessing the Laborers Employer Portal to submit fringes, we have some additional information for you.

To speak to the Controllers via phone: call 877-MI-LABOR (877.645.2267), Dial Option 3, then Option 1

  • For those requiring assistance logging into the Employer Portal,  Controllers (Susan, Tammy, & Dayon) can assist them.
  • To email the Controllers: miliunaremittance@wpas-inc.com

Additionally, if you were unable to attend the 4 training webinars, or need a refresher, the following link can be viewed at your convenience: Employer Portal Demo & Training Video.

If you are still experiencing troubles, reach out to Sara Schaibly, Manager of Accounting and Labor Information at saraschaibly@thinkmita.org.