MDOT ADA Training Invite – February 14th


February 14, 2025    
9:00 am - 11:00 am

Event Type

MDOT invites MITA members to join them for a virtual Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) training session. The training session will be held via Teams on February 14th, 9
AM to 11 AM, and will include:

  •  Accessible Design for Permanent Construction – training covers the design
    elements and requirements for laying out curb ramps on the plans for
    construction.  It also covers sidewalk grades and chasing grades as well as other
    items that you may encounter in designing curb ramps.
  •  ADA Accessibility within Work Zones – training will cover a review of current
    specifications and requirements.  A wide range of field examples of will be used
    to cover examples of best practices and lessons learned over the past years, and
    other items that you may encounter in the field.
    Please click here to view the agenda and access the Teams link.

If you have any questions, please contact any member of the MITA engineering team:
Rachelle VanDeventer |
Jeremiah Leyba |
They can also be reached by phone at the MITA office: 517-347-8336.