Gas Tax Increase Follow-Up (Bulk Storage of Motor Fuel)

With the impending increase in the gas tax occurring on January 1, 2017, the Department of Treasury is reminding business owners with motor fuel stored in bulk storage tanks of over 3,000 gallons that they must pay the difference between the old rate and the new rate. More information can be found on the state’s Treasury website by clicking here.

The specific response from Treasury is that per MCL 207.1010, the owner of motor fuel held in bulk storage where motor fuel tax has previously been paid to the supplier at the lower rate would owe the difference between the previous rate paid and the increase in the tax rate. The owner of the motor fuel is required to fill out form number 4010 and remit any additional motor fuel tax that may be owed to the Department. If you have any questions in regards to this additional tax, you may contact the Discovery Unit at the Michigan Department of Treasury at 517-636-4120.

We encourage MITA members to review this information and discuss with your tax advisor your responsibility in this matter.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact MITA Executive Vice President Mike Nystrom at or MITA Vice President of Government Affairs Lance Binoniemi at  They can both be reached at the MITA office by calling 517-347-8336.