Governor’s State of the State Focused on Roads

In the event you missed it, this is what the Governor had to say about our industry in her State of the State message. MITA will continue to advocate fiercely for a long-term funding solution. Read or watch her full speech using the links below.

Section of the speech focused on roads:

Now, let’s talk about another driver of jobs and growth—those damn roads. We need safe roads to go to work, drop our kids off at school, and run errands. Businesses need a solid transportation network to ship products and ensure their employees can get to work safely.

In 2020, I created Rebuilding Michigan, a $3.5 billion bond plan to fix our most heavily trafficked state highways and bridges. Why? Because for years, a lot of governors and legislators tried and failed. We made progress on our state roads, but let’s be real, my plan was always a short-term fix.

There’s a lot left to do, and with Rebuilding Michigan phasing out soon, we’re facing a serious funding cliff. I’m hearing from construction companies who are expecting layoffs because of the uncertainty.

We need a sustainable, long-term solution for local roads. Every pothole is a reminder that we must act now. I mean… just take Michigan Avenue from here to MSU. You’ll see what I’m saying—it’s like the surface of the moon.

Why? Because the City of Lansing gets about $17 million from the state for local roads. It needs 17 times that much, around $300 million.

Michiganders in every part of our state are passionate about their roads. Phyllis from Rapid City was evocative in her description of Crystal Beach Road… “it’ll rattle your brains out.” There’s a road like that in every town. We know that bad roads cost drivers more than 750 bucks a year.

Now, I know there are a couple different plans out there, including mine, and I know none of them are perfect. But what’s not okay… is no plan. Michiganders won’t accept inaction. To get it right, we’ll all have to recognize some hard truths.

To my friends in the GOP… a long-term fix means new, fair sources of revenue. We can’t cut our way to better roads by slashing public safety, health, or schools.
To my fellow Democrats… cuts will need to be a part of the solution.
To the business community… we can’t put this on the backs of the middle class.

For all of us to be part of the solution we must all compromise… and that’s the way it ought to be.

Let’s get back to the negotiating table in the coming days and weeks to find a long-term, bipartisan solution so we can fix more of those damn roads.

Read the State of the State

Watch the State of the State