Legislative Call To Action: Please Contact Your Legislators NOW!

As lawmakers return to Lansing from their summer break, road funding will be one of the most talked about issues facing them. It is critically important that all members, employees, friends, family members and neighbors take the time to contact their legislators immediately about fixing and investing in Michigan’s roads and infrastructure today.

We encourage you to make your appeal personally. Tell your state representative and your state senator how long you have been in the business, what generation you represent and what exactly you do. Share your history of providing good-paying jobs to the people in your community, as well as your reputation of supplying high quality and exceptional service on the job.

Use the following talking points to illustrate the need behind your appeal:

Everyone agrees that Michigan’s roads and bridges are in very poor shape.

All taxes currently collected at the pump DO NOT go towards improving our transportation system. If they did, we wouldn’t be in this predicament.

Putting all of the taxes collected at the pump where they belong – toward the cost of maintaining our current infrastructure – would not only create a long-term funding solution, but it would also put a great number of people back to work.

Studies have shown that we need at least $1.7 billion more annually just to maintain our current transportation system.

Contacting your legislators is easy. Simply click here to access our CapWiz site, where you can type in your home address to determine who your state legislators are. Follow the instructions provided on the site to personalize and email a letter to both your state representative and your state senator. Use this opportunity to strongly encourage them to fix our roads, bridges and infrastructure now.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, or would like to meet with your legislators face to face in Lansing or in your home district, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mariam Robinson, Outreach Coordinator. Mariam can be reached at 517-853-5866 or at mariamrobinson@mi-ita.com. We need everyone’s help, so we hope you will take a few minutes to do this, and that you will encourage everyone you know to do the same. Thank you!