MDOT Announces Mandatory “Expedite” Upgrade

MDOT recently announced they will be upgrading to Expedite 5.9a for the November 5, 2010, bid letting.  This is a mandatory upgrade and contractors will not be able to submit a bid on November 5, 2010, if they have not upgraded to the new version 5.9a.

On Monday, October 4, 2010, Expedite version 5.9a will be available for contractors to download, free of charge.  To download the free software, visit MDOT’s Contractors Service Center Bid Letting Information page and click on the Download FREE Expedite Software hyperlink.  Expedite 5.9a is also available from the Bid Express website for Bid Express subscribers. Navigate to MIDOT’s home page, go to the Utilities tab, and click on the Expedite 5.9a hyperlink.

If you do not upgrade to Expedite version 5.9a, you will not be able to bid beginning with the November 5, 2010 bid letting.

Click here for the official MDOT Contractor Announcement.


If you have any questions or comments, contact Glenn Bukoski at or Doug Needham at or call them at the MITA office at 517-347-8336.