MDOT to Host Industry Forum for DBOM Round 2 NEVI Program – 07/09/2024

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is hosting an industry forum to discuss the upcoming one-step, design-build-operate-maintain procurement for Round 2 of the NEVI Formula Program in Michigan. This forum will allow potential proposers to learn about the Round 2 procurement process, locations, and schedule.

When: 2:00 p.m. (ET)., Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

Where: Teams link in announcement found here.

For project information, please visit the project website:

As additional information becomes available, it will be posted to the above website in the project information sheet.

For NEVI Round 2 Planning Map, please visit:

If you have additional questions, please contact any member of the MITA engineering team:
Rachelle VanDeventer |
Glenn Bukoski |
Jeremiah Leyba |
They can also be reached by phone at the MITA office: 517-347-8336