MIOSHA Recordkeeping Forms Required

Below is the link for you to download MIOSHA forms. The forms were developed to accordance with federal changes in recordkeeping. Each form is listed below with a general description and instructions.

MIOSHA Form 300

Employers must enter each recordable injury and illness on the MIOSHA Forms 300 and 301 within seven calendar days of receiving the information that an injury or illness has occurred.  Additionally, all days of missed work must be counted, including holidays and weekends.

MIOSHA Form 300A

This is a summary of MIOSHA Form 300A, which must  be posted from February 1st to April 30th. The form also requires the signature of a company executive.

MIOSHA Form 301

The new MIOSHA Form 301 is the equivalent of an accident report and must also be completed within seven calendar days of a recordable incident. You may already be filling out similar forms for your insurance carrier. Completed 301 Forms must be kept on file at the office, but are not sent to MIOSHA after each incident.

Click here to download the above referenced forms from LARA.
Click here to download all forms directly.

Please be sure to make several copies of each form before filling them out. As always, please feel free to contact MITA at 517-347-8336 with any questions you may have.