MITA Announces 2008 Legislative Goals

On the heels of a historic year with the abolition and replacement of the Single Business Tax, MITA announces their legislative goals for 2008.

A primary focus for MITA will be the final push for the $1 billion per year transportation-funding proposal. With the 18-percent drop in the road and bridge program in 2008, significant pressure will be placed on policymakers to finally address this important issue.

Another top priority will be MITA’s billion-dollar clean water investment plan. The 2002 Clean Water Bond money was approved by voters but has yet to be spent by the state. The focus in 2008 will be to ensure that the state begins spending those dollars at $200 million per year over the next five years.

In addition to these funding issues, MITA will be working very closely on the state’s 2009 budget. Of particular note will be efforts to limit diversions of infrastructure dollars to other areas of the state budget.

There are several other important policy items that MITA will be working on in the year ahead: work zone safety legislation, a prompt pay package, water diversion and protecting industry from over-reaching new powers of County Drain Commissioners.