MITA Member Companies Encouraged to Use Paycheck Stuffer

While state policymakers sit on their hands and take the summer off and do nothing to address the needs of Michigan, the state’s roads and bridges continue to crumble around them.

MITA recently established a toll free number (1-888-719-3087) so that people who care about our infrastructure can be transferred to their legislators to send them a simple message: It’s time to fix our roads.

Legislators continually say that their constituents are not complaining about the roads and therefore there really isn’t a reason to fix them.

MITA needs legislators to hear from their constituents–more than just the business owners and officers in the member companies.  We need the rank and file employees–from the construction workers to the accountants and receptionists to contact their legislators.  That’s why we’ve created a paycheck stuffer to help advertise this initiative. (Click here to download.)

Additionally, this flyer can be posted on company bulletin boards, left in break rooms or emailed to each office employee.  Each member company needs to do their part to encourage their employees to participate and fight to protect their own jobs and their own way of life.  Without funding formula changes, the road and bridge program is set to drop by $600 million next year because of the state’s inability to meet federal matching requirements.  That would have disastrous impacts on all our member companies.

Please feel free to contact Mike Nystrom at or Keith Ledbetter at or call the MITA office at 517-347-8336 with any questions or comments.