PAC DONOR SPOTLIGHT – Give ‘Em a Brake Safety

The next PAC Donor Spotlight company is Give ‘Em a Brake Safety. They have recognized the importance of MITA’s efforts for long-term, equitable and sustainable infrastructure investments and have stepped up to help the cause. The company had eight different employees donate to the PAC.

Jeremy Lemke
Marc Van Til
Michael Rempalski
Jennifer Brendahl
Joe Boukma
Kyle Meyer
Shane Lemke
Chris Heyboer

The PAC has raised just over $190,000 towards the goal of raising $300,000 in the year. The dedication of the MITA membership continues to prove how important long-term funding means to their livelihoods. The MITA PAC is the most effective tool our industry has to support candidates who will fight in favor of contractors in the Michigan Legislature. Your personal financial support of the MITA PAC gives us the opportunity to have a strong influence in the political process.

If every MITA member company encouraged their top-tiered managers and employees to give to the PAC, our goal would be reached in no time, giving our efforts for long-term, sustainable infrastructure investments a greater chance of success. Please visit for more information on our Long-Term Sustainable Funding Campaign and how you can get involved.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Rob Coppersmith, Executive Vice President, at or Lance Binoniemi, Vice President of Government Affairs, at