Safe Roads YES & Prop 1 Stickers

MITA has received the Safe Roads YES bumper stickers and they are available for members to order! We respectfully request that members only order a maximum of 50 bumper stickers from MITA, to ensure that every member has the chance to access them. Please keep in mind that these stickers are free of charge.


Additionally, the original Vote YES Prop 1 May 5 small round stickers are also still available for ordering. We encourage all members to use these stickers on anything that gets mailed out of your office, whether it is pay stubs, invoices, memos and everything in between. There is no limit on these stickers, and they are available on first come, first serve basis. These stickers are also free of charge.

We are attaching the artwork for both the bumper stickers AND the truck magnets. Several members suggested that truck magnets would be a great way to advertise support for the Proposal 1 campaign in the public. If you want more than 50 bumper stickers, or if you want to invest in truck magnets for your fleet of company vehicles, you now have the artwork to order them on your own through your own decal vendor.

You may also use this artwork for banners that may be hung on/in your buildings and/or property in high traffic areas. These may also be used on billboards, if you have any available to you. If you go this route, please take high-resolution photos of the banners/billboards, and email them to MITA so they can be shared on social media.

Please return your bumper sticker order forms and email your photos to Mariam Robinson, MITA Outreach Coordinator, at If you have any questions, please call Mariam at 517-347-8336.

Click here for the bumper sticker order form.
Click here to access the bumper sticker artwork.
Click here to access the truck magnet artwork.