Send Us Your Philanthropy Stories and Photos

Throughout the years, MITA members have been active in their communities and abroad donating their time, efforts, and funding to help build infrastructure projects, or assist in recovery efforts after major hurricanes and flooding.  Most recently, MITA member Kamminga & Roodvoets was involved in funding a well project in northern Kenya. Kurt Poll, company president, reminded us that “contractors do some pretty cool things with the blessings we have whether local or international.”  He suggested including a philanthropy article in each edition of Cross-Section, MITA’s quarterly magazine.  These articles will not only spread the word about the good deeds that contractors do, but also help improve the image of the industry and inspire others to do something, as Kurt suggested.


In an effort to spread the word, we are asking all MITA members to send us their photos and information about philanthropy projects you are involved in, big and small.  We appreciate your assistance with this effort!  If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Brown, director of communications, at or 517-347-8336.