Governor Signs Sewer Bill and other Legislative News

Governor Signs Sewer Grant Bill MITA is extremely encouraged by the Governor signing into law a package of bills that will result in more sewer work throughout the state and thus help to improve the condition of Michigan’s aging sewer infrastructure systems. The...

Legislative Update

Federal Transportation Funding (SAFETEA-LU) & Hurricane Katrina The recent catastrophic disaster resulting from Hurricane Katrina has caused some in Washington D.C. to suggest that funds recently authorized in the six-year transportation act (SAFETEA-LU) be...

Legislative – Transportation Bill Update

As far as Michigan is concerned, the Senate bill increases scope of the minimum guarantee level compared to that in current law as well as compared to the House passed bill, thus increasing MI’s rate-of-return to 92%. We view this as a victory, even though our goal...

Legislative News

MITA Supports Efforts to Increase Use of Water Quality Bonds The Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association expressed its support May 3rd for efforts to increase the utilization of the Great Lakes Water Quality Bonds approved by voters in 2002. The...