Aug 31, 2012 | Legislative
A recent article discussing increased transportation funding indicated that the debate may occur during the lame duck session at the end of the year. Lame duck session is the time period between the elections, which this year occurs on November 6, and the end of the...
Dec 3, 2010 | Legislative
As the sun slowly began to appear on the horizon this morning, the state House and Senate ended an all-night marathon session and concluded their work for the remainder of 2010. A valiant push by MITA members and staff in the last few months to spur Lame Duck action...
Oct 8, 2010 | Legislative
Many MITA members and legislators have asked in recent weeks exactly what transportation funding bills the association is pursuing during lame duck session. Although bills are likely to be amended and added as the process moves forward, MITA staff wanted to share with...
Sep 19, 2008 | Legislative
MITA has been working diligently in recent weeks to prepare state legislators for a mound of work when they return from the fall elections. Because of plummeting state gas tax revenues and the resulting loss of federal matching funds, MITA has been pushing...
Dec 1, 2006 | Legislative
MITA has been at the forefront of a flurry of activity on several key measures occurring before the end of 2006. Truck Driver Hours of Service Effort Being Pushed by MITA MITA has been working at a furious pace in recent weeks, leading the effort to get truck driver...