E-Verify to be Required for Pre-Qualification with MDOT

Requirements for contractors and subcontractors to e-verify their employees was added to the Michigan Department of Transportation budget, which begins October 1, 2012.  Specifically, “the department shall require as a condition of each contract or subcontract for...

Congress Passes Two-Year Reauthorization – Finally!

After over 33 months of extension after extension the United States Congress has finally passed a transportation reauthorization bill that will set federal funding on infrastructure through September 30, 2014. Since most of the bill’s new provisions take effect...

Key Happenings at the Capitol

WATER AND SEWER FUNDING BILLS TO BE INTRODUCED Legislation is scheduled to be introduced early next week to address some of the state’s water and sewer system needs.  Following recommendations from an advisory committee on which MITA staff served, a package of four...