Diesel Tax Increase Clears Key Hurdle

MITA Urges Members to Call Your State Senator This week the Senate Transportation Committee approved a bill by a vote of 4-1 that would increase the diesel tax four cents per gallon (from 15 cents to 19 cents) to provide additional dollars to transportation.  The new...

MITA Companies Cause Surge in Legislative Calls

More than a dozen companies have answered the challenge to have their employees help lobby for more transportation funding, tallying over 300 calls to legislative offices in recent weeks. About a dozen more companies have agreed to do an upcoming call day and are in...

Underground Industry Will See Hefty 1st Quarter Opportunties

The State Revolving Fund program will see a sizeable 1st quarter (beginning in October, 2009), with over 40 projects worth $300 million likely being advertised later this month. This list does not include any “mega” Detroit and Dearborn projects.  This should bode...