Feb 16, 2021 | Engineering
The State Transportation Commission’s approval of the MDOT 2021-2025 Five-Year Transportation Program at their January meeting served as MDOT’s formal announcement that they will invest $4.17 billion in their FY 2021 Transportation Program. The focus of the FY 2021...
Jan 13, 2021 | Engineering
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) invites MITA members to attend a Microsoft Teams Meeting to discuss Project PDF plan set contract deliverables January 19, 2021, from 10:30 AM to noon. The purpose of this event is to present MDOT’s new Project PDF...
Nov 18, 2020 | Engineering
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is hosting a virtual Industry Outreach Event to present information on the next phase of the I-94 Modernization Project in Detroit. The Outreach Event will be held on December 9th, 2020 from noon to 1:30 pm with a...
Nov 2, 2020 | Engineering
MDOT’s Metro Region will host an informational virtual meeting on Monday, November 9, 2020, 1:30-3:30 PM, to solicit industry input on the project schedule and maintenance of traffic (MOT) for their upcoming I-96 Flex Route Project. Project Description Full...