Pay Item Negotiations Successful!!!

MITA staff were recently successful in negotiations with MDOT leadership on a significant three-part pay item proposal. The three-part proposal presented by MITA and accepted by MDOT included the following elements: I. Increase the “Mobilization, Max” pay item from...

MDOT – Mandatory Electronic Funds Transfer

Public Act 533 of 2004 requires that payments for all State contracts for the purchase of goods or services be made by electronic funds transfer (ETF). MDOT, as PA Act 533 requires, will implement ETF for all contracts executed on or after October 1, 2005. Once a...

MDOT to Post ” As – Submitted” Bid Letting Results

With the implementation of 100% electronic bidding, MDOT will now begin posting letting results immediately after the download of electronic bids is complete. The “As-Read” portion of MDOT’s Web site has been changed to read “As-Submitted”, to...