Recordkeeping Reminder: Submit Injury and Illness Data by March 2

A reminder that MIOSHA’s Administrative Standard Part 11, Recording And Reporting of Occupational Injuries And Illnesses, requires most employers to perform two key annual requirements:  Electronically Submit Form 300A Data: Most employers must submit their previous...

Don’t Forget to Post Your MIOSHA Recordkeeping Forms!

MITA is reminding its members of the MIOSHA reporting requirement to post the MIOSHA Form 300A (Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses) from February 1 to April 30, 2022. Below is the link for you to download MIOSHA forms. The forms were developed in...

Don’t Forget to Post Your MIOSHA Recordkeeping Forms!

MITA is reminding it’s members of the MIOSHA reporting requirement to post the MIOSHA Form 300A (Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses) from February 1 to April 30, 2018. Below is the link for you to download MIOSHA forms. The forms were developed in...

New Injury & Illness Reporting Requirements

On December 15, 2017, companies in Michigan will be required to begin reporting injury and illness information. The new regulation adopted by MIOSHA impacts all companies with 250 or more employees and that are required to keep injury and illness records. Companies...