MIOSHA Releases Emergency Rules

MIOSHA recently released a set of Emergency Rules to establish requirements for employers to control, prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The most notable sections should be Rules 10 and 11 that pertain to training and recordkeeping requirements. Some further...


Many members are asking how the recent ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court, which essentially invalidates the Governors’ Executive Orders (EO’s), will impact job sites. The short answer is: it won’t. MIOSHA is issuing fines to contractors and businesses that were...

MIOSHA Issues First COVID-19 Related Fines to Businesses

The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration on Friday announced its first round of citations to businesses violating coronavirus safety measures. “The MIOSHA investigations determined that these six employers were clearly not taking the appropriate...

MIOSHA Issues Warning to Membership

In case you missed it, MITA recently hosted a ZOOM meeting with Director of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Bart Pickleman, MIOSHA Director Lawrence Hildalgo, and MIOSHA Manager Eric Allen. The program lasted over an hour and yielded some insight into the MIOSHA...