USIC Contact List – Updated

USIC has released an updated contact list. Please click here to download the list and coordinating service area map. MITA suggests if your ticket is marked with an ongoing coordination code or anything out of the norm. To call in for additional assistance which you...

Are You Experiencing Staking Problems?

You’re not alone. It’s as if the locating industry didn’t understand that Michigan has a construction program that starts in the spring as soon as frost laws permit! MITA has and will continue to push hard to get tickets located in a timely manner for members. Despite...

Are You Having Staking Issues?

Are you on your third, fourth, fifth, sixth staking or additional assistance request with MISS DIG? If so, you are not alone. Many of the third party locators that perform work in Michigan have fallen woefully behind. In an effort to rectify the situation, two things...