ELECTION DAY ~ Vote YES on Proposal 1 Today!

TODAY IS THE DAY! Thank you all for your hard work and dedication, without which we would not have made it to this point. If you do one thing today, make sure you vote! Make sure your employees vote. Make sure your family and friends vote. Voting is our civic duty and...

Tomorrow ~ Vote YES on Proposal 1 on May 5th!

We are ONE DAY OUT! Tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for since the new year: Tuesday, May 5, 2015. Make sure that you and your company are ready to vote TOMORROW. Keep these tips in mind to have a smooth Election Day: 1.    Make sure you’ve made arrangements...

Why Vote YES On Proposal 1

We are less than a week out from the historic May 5th vote for Proposal 1. Are you looking for more educational resources to help your employees understand why a YES vote is important for your company and them. A few members have asked for just one more piece to help...

Legislative: Proposal 1 Update

Strong momentum is continuing to build for Proposal 1 and the Safe Roads YES campaign. We MUST keep the faith and continue to work hard to educate the public, as well as all staff and employees, friends and family members on the importance of supporting Proposal 1 on...

New Prop 1 Ad Released!

Safe Roads YES released another ad today in support of Proposal 1. To date, a combined total of six ads and two informational/educational videos have been released. You can see every ad and video by going to the Proposal 1 Quick Links page on the MITA website. We...