The receptions for Governor Snyder were a success!

MITA members from across the state gathered in Grand Rapids in October and in Novi in November to meet Governor Rick Snyder and to show their support for all that he has done for the heavy construction industry. The turnout was unprecedented and the response from all...

Road Funding Hits Research Phase

Funding for Michigan’s roads and bridges has hit a “research” phase after calls by Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville and Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer to gather further information. Polling and focus groups were both done through the research, and...

Positive Momentum in Underground Construction Industry

There have been a couple of positive items moving for the underground construction industry. Just this week the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) by a large margin of 417-3. This will fund projects throughout...