Just Fix The Roads: Ongoing Outreach Opportunities

Dear Members, As the transportation and infrastructure funding battle continues to gain traction in Lansing, we need YOUR help to keep the momentum going around the state. Two state representatives currently have transportation and infrastructure funding surveys on...

Transportation Funding Discussion Heating Up

Transportation funding continues to be the most talked about issue within the Michigan legislature and has been since the new year began.  Looked at as one of the few things left undone in the 2011 – 2012 legislative cycle, there is an overwhelming sense of acceptance...

MITA Welcomes New Outreach Coordinator, Mariam Robinson

MITA is pleased to welcome Mariam Robinson to our team as the new Outreach Coordinator. Mariam will be in charge of facilitating and coordinating member connections with legislators and she will also coordinate the MTT (Michigan Transportation Team), working to get...

State of the State Message Addresses Transportation

Last week, Governor Rick Snyder gave his State of the State address where he outlined the various accomplishments from 2012, as well as laid out his top priorities for 2013.  His message and call to action for increased funding for Michigan’s transportation system...