Dec 12, 2012 | Legislative
A long time initiative to improve our underground water and sewers in Michigan is coming to completion during lame duck session at the Capitol. Bills reflecting the recommendations from the State Revolving Fund Advisory Group, of which MITA was a participant, are in...
Dec 7, 2012 | Legislative
This week, the House and Senate passed their own versions of “Right to Work” Legislation affecting both public and private employees. The bills passed both chambers with only Republican support. A few House and Senate GOP members did vote against the measures. The...
Nov 30, 2012 | Legislative
The first week of what is scheduled to be three weeks of lame duck session was successful for the heavy construction industry. A few issues that MITA has been working on over the course of a year or longer are coming to fruition and some are expected to pass prior to...
Nov 8, 2012 | Legislative
Finally, a little normalcy in our television viewing….no more confusing proposal or election advertisements. In the wake of this years election that saw high voter turnouts and the most money ever, below is an overview of a few items that occurred nationally and...
Oct 15, 2012 | Legislative
TO: MITA Members FROM: Chris Shea, 2012 MITA Board President DATE: October 15, 2012 Re: GET INVOLVED – MEET WITH YOUR LEGISLATOR Dear Fellow MITA Member, Once again fall is upon us. That joyous time of year where we in the construction...