Payments from Federal Highway Trust Fund Halted

Congress has let the federal highway program lapse.  This means that starting today, states, transit agencies and localities will not be able to be reimbursed by MDOT. The third in a series of short-term extensions of the federal surface transportation programs...

U.S. Senate Passes Jobs Bill — Legislative Update from ARTBA

After overcoming several procedural obstacles this week, the Senate this morning voted 70 to 28 to pass the “Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment” (HIRE) Act, which among other things extends authorization of the federal surface transportation programs through the...

Analysis of Obama’s FY 2011 Transportation Budget Proposal

The Obama Administration’s FY 2011 budget proposal is largely a stay the course plan—at least in the short-term—for the federal transportation programs.  The February 1 document includes basically status quo levels of investment for the federal highway, transit...