New Analysis and Chart of Funding Plan Now Available

If legislators do nothing more than ensure Michigan receives it’s full federal match of highway dollars for next year, the state will be able to pave less than half the miles of roadway it did five years earlier. That’s the message that MITA has been sharing with...

ACTION ALERT: ’09 Transportation Funding Package Unveiled

Members of the Transportation Funding Task Force (TF2) unveiled a package of bills on Thursday that would provide a long-term boost to Michigan’s deteriorating roads and bridges. The legislative funding package would replace the current 19-cents per gallon fuel tax...

Transportation Stimulus Funding Bill Passes MI House

A bill that would provide authorization for the state to spend the federal stimulus transportation money passed the Michigan House this week by a vote of 109-1. MDOT has requested that the appropriations bill be approved by the legislature no later than April 2 so...