Transportation Funding Plan Clears Preliminary Hurdle

With time running out to gain legislative approval for a major state transportation-funding overhaul, the Michigan House took a step forward Thursday night by approving legislation that would allow for the debate to stay alive.

The actual bills that were approved were stripped of all pertinent language.  However, the maneuver cleared the way for both the House and Senate to take action on the stimulus package on their final day of session next Thursday.

The bills moving forward would change the fuel tax structure to a wholesale percentage tax and would provide for vehicle registration fee adjustments.

MITA urges all interested parties to contact their state representatives and senators in Lansing. Find out who your elected officials are byclicking here.  MITA staff will be doing an aggressive call to action early next week and your involvement is critical.

Please contact Mike Nystrom at or Keith Ledbetter at or call the MITA office at 517-347-8336 with any questions or comments.