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MDOT Seeking Input – Automated 3D Positioning for Construction

MDOT is currently in the process of developing construction manual guidance and standard specifications language for utilization of automated grade control and stringless paving. As part of their process they are performing an assessment of current practices and identification of focus areas.  In an effort to gather industry input, MDOT
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In Wake of Prop 1 Failure Focus Shifts Back To Legislative Fix

The defeat of Proposal 1 is certainly disappointing. Passage of it would have meant long-term adequate funding for Michigan’s transportation network for decades to come. Many will speculate on all the things that went wrong and why the campaign was unable to convince voters to vote yes, but in the
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ELECTION DAY ~ Vote YES on Proposal 1 Today!

TODAY IS THE DAY! Thank you all for your hard work and dedication, without which we would not have made it to this point. If you do one thing today, make sure you vote! Make sure your employees vote. Make sure your family and friends vote. Voting is our civic
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Tomorrow ~ Vote YES on Proposal 1 on May 5th!

We are ONE DAY OUT! Tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for since the new year: Tuesday, May 5, 2015. Make sure that you and your company are ready to vote TOMORROW. Keep these tips in mind to have a smooth Election Day: 1.    Make sure you’ve made arrangements