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Governor Whitmer Announces Partial Reopening In Northern Michigan, Upper Peninsula

Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced today the partial reopening of areas of the state, including the Upper Peninsula and much of northern Michigan beginning on Friday. Under Ms. Whitmer’s order 2020-92, all of the U.P. and 17 counties in northern Michigan, including Traverse City, will be able to open – with
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Changes to Hours of Service Rules

On May 14, 2020, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (“FMCSA”) published a final rule updating hours of service rules by adding more flexibility. These updated hours of service rules were proposed based upon thousands of comments the FMCSA had received, including comments from MITA, the Aggregate Carriers of Michigan
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MDOT Update on Temporary Layoffs Plan

This morning, MDOT’s Chief Operations Officer, Tony Kratofil, sent the industry the following email with an update on their temporary layoffs plan: “Industry Partners, I am writing to follow up on my message to you last week regarding the temporary layoffs for state employees to address budget shortfalls as a