MDOT Implements

Effective with the May letting the pay item for Minor Traf Devices and Flag Control will state the maximum amount that can be bid for each of those items.

These changes are being implemented by MDOT with no input from MITA in reaction to their perception that bidders continue to inappropriately bid those items. MDOT believes that in many cases the items are “bid high” in anticipation that an extension of time will be submitted and approved, triggering the unit price adjustments allowed per the Standard Specifications.

MITA’s position on this matter is that the imposing of “maximum” lump sums by MDOT on these pay items is an attempt to solve a problem by treating a symptom. In advocating this position with MDOT leadership, we contend that our members are often forced at bid time to put their money in items they know will be paid on projects with obvious unresolved utility issues and/or significant discrepancies in plan quantities. . .it’s a risk management issue. How many times have inquiries to the contact person in the proposal been made about an apparent utility issue or plan quantity error with the response returned “bid it as you see it”?

As MITA continues its’ efforts in working with MDOT to resolve the root cause of this problem, not the symptom, we need your help in building and documenting the industry case. If you are bidding work on a project and you discover what appear to be unresolved utility issues or significant differences in your computed quantities compared to the plan quantities, we strongly suggest that you get those issues and differences documented by submitting an inquiry to the contact person listed in the back of the proposal. A fax copy of your inquiry to the MITA office (517-347-8344), or an e-mail copy of your inquiry sent to either of the MITA staff below would be appreciated.

If you have any questions about this matter or request contact Glenn Bukoski at, or Doug Needham at, or call them at the MITA office at 800-878-2821.